If you want to store your SharePoint credentials locally so that you do not need to reenter every time you use SPGo, you can set the storeCredentials property in the spgo.json config file to true. You will be prompted to enter credentials the first time you connect to SharePoint during your SPGo development session.

note 1: all credentials are hashed and saved to your OS’ local temp folder using CPass, providing a modicum of security.

note 2: SPGo can store unique credentials for each site collection you work with.

Example Complete spgo.json file with credential storing enabled

    "sourceDirectory": "src",
    "sharePointSiteUrl": "https://tenant.sharepoint.com",
    "publishingScope": "PublishMinor",
    "authenticationType": "Digest",
    "storeCredentials" : true,
    "remoteFolders": [

Read about other configuration options here.