When building sites for SharePoint, it is common to have multiple sites below the Root Site Collection which integrate with the root site. These sites often share branding and code elements and behave as a single site collection.

The subSites node in the spgo.json config file lets SPGo be aware of which subsites you want to work with.

Configuring SubSites

Working with subsites requires a single root node be added to your spgo.json config file.

Configuration Element

The subsite node is a root element in the spgo.json file. It supports an array of SubSite objects, each of which has a required sharePointSiteUrl property and an optional array of remoteFolders. There is an example of a full spgo.json config file at the bottom of the SPGo.json configuration options page.

This example below shows how to map a single SubSite. See here

    "subSites": [{
        "sharePointSiteUrl" : "https://tenant.sharepoint.com/sites/site/subsite1",
        "remoteFolders": [

This example below shows how to map multiple SubSite.

    "subSites": [{
        "sharePointSiteUrl" : "https://tenant.sharepoint.com/sites/site/subsite1",
        "remoteFolders": [
        "sharePointSiteUrl" : "https://tenant.sharepoint.com/sites/site/subsite2",
        "remoteFolders": [
            "/Style Library/**/*"

And here is the object definition:

export interface ISubSite {
    remoteFolders? : string[];
    sharePointSiteUrl : string;

Downloading Files

Once you have added the subSite node to your SPGo.json file, the most straight-forward way to pull the files to your local using the Populate workspace command. By default, these files will live in the src directory, following a folder pattern mapped to the SharePoint site hierarchy.


A SharePoint site hierarchy of:

   |  |
   |  |--subsite1
   |  |
   |  |--subsite2

would map to the following folder structure in your SPGo workspace:

    |  |
    |  |--SiteAssets
    |  |  |
    |  |  |--main.js
    |  |  |
    |  |  |--main.css
    |  |
    |  |--subsite1
    |  |  |
    |  |  |--SiteAssets
    |  |     |
    |  |     |--main.js
    |  |
    |  |--subsite2
    |  |  |
    |  |  |--Style Library
    |  |  |
    |  |  |--main.css

Alternatively, as long as you have added the config entries to SPGo.jsonyou can always create the folder structure locally within your src directory, and SPGo will automatically save/publish any files you create locally.

Commands that work with SubSites

The following commands work within SubSites.


  • all subsites must belong to the same Site Collection.